Use Your Body's Natural Healing System For Your Hip Injury!
Circulation Boost & Why You Need It
Your body can heal itself! In fact, your body started healing itself the moment you injured your hip and it's the blood in your body that makes it all happen.
Your blood is the transport mechanism for everything that is good inside you. It carries oxygen, nutrients and water.
Proper blood flow to your hip is essential to healing. Unfortunately, when you injure your body, you stop moving and the swelling sets in. That means your vital blood flow can be reduced to a trickle!
Swelling, inflammation and lack of joint movement reduce the flow of blood to your injury. If you are moving your injured muscle or tendon around you run a risk of increasing the severity of the injury via muscle strain. If there has been some healing, you could re-injure the muscle tissue all over again.
Blood Flow - the natural healing process in your body - needs assistance for such injuries because blood flow is greatly restricted when you are immobile. When treating hip bursitis, muscle strain, tendonitis or really any type of soft tissue injury (ie. capsulitis, impingement, dislocation recovery, surgery recovery), an effective treatment will increase blood flow to the injury while the joint is immobile. This increase in blood flow will help maximize the body's own capability to heal itself.
There are a LOT of people out there that do not understand how effective A TShellz Wrap can be. Once initial swelling from the injury has been reduced by using a Cold Compress or Ice Pack - start short applications with a TShellz Wrap® on the low setting (always start on the lowest). After a couple treatments we believe you will be absolutely astonished the results you will find.
The MISSING Piece of the Puzzle.... where SO MANY get it WRONG!
Swelling and inflammation is your body responding to an injury. A lot of pain will probably disappear as the swelling disappears, and many people make the wrong assumption that their tendon, muscle or other soft tissue injury must be healing as most of the pain is gone. Once you have reduced the swelling with cold, your injury is still there.
This is a critical time! Once the inflammation is gone it may feel like you can return to your regular sports, hobbies, exercise or other activities - but your hip is in a weakened state, unstable, and still injured. Even the slightest leg movement or torso twist in the wrong direction can worsen the injury and increase the swelling yet again. Most "weekend warriors" and amateur athletes will start going back to what they were doing before they injured their hip, and that is where they get it wrong. Medical professionals know that the injury is still there even if the pain is gone.
Building strong healthy tissue is part of the healing process and needs to be dealt with first! You can help your tissue during this healing process by increasing localized blood flow with a TShellz Wrap®.
With regular use of the
TShellz Wrap:
- Your pain will be reduced.
- Due to increased blood flow, soft tissue in the area will recover at an accelerated rate.
- The range of motion in the treatment area will increase *
* Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. ( link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)
No matter what has caused your hip injury, it's important to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation as soon as possible. Getting rid of your swelling is the 1st, most important, step in your recovery process. Getting rid of swelling will reduce the amount of tissue damage happening to your hip and open up the blood vessels in your soft tissue so your joint can receive more blood flow.
Increasing blood flow is then a priority to bring in all the essential elements needed for natural healing within your own body. An increased blood flow is key as this maximizes the bodys ability to self heal. An increase in blood flow accompanied with heat in soft tissue is known to help increase range of motion, and improve the flexibility of soft tissue - ensuring that the soft tissue recovery period does not last years.
The Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® = Accelerated Blood Flow To Your Hip
As we have mentioned elsewhere, blood flow is the critical delivery system of oxygen and nutrients that your body requires, and this is especially true when it comes to healing. This becomes a problem when there is an injury, as blood flow is usually restricted significantly. It is important to recognize that recovery speed from a soft tissue injury (tendon,muscle,ligament) is dependent on blood flow circulation. If you want better blood flow circulation, get rid of the inflammation first then apply the
Circulatory Boost treatments directly over the injury area as outlined in the instructions. For most injuries, we recommend 3 to 4
Circulatory Boost treatments per day.
If you want to heal quickly, you need to keep your blood moving and that's where the TShellz Wrap® comes in.
What is the TShellz Wrap®? It's a substantial increase in the flow of blood to your injured hip without the need to exercise your already damaged joint. This is what the TShellz Wrap® does... you can really feel it work!
Have you seen what happens when you add water to a flower wilted from drought? In essence, an injured hip is much like a "wilted" flower; your body wants to heal its injury, but needs lots of nutrients to do it.
Blood supports and facilitates new life by delivering healing nutrients and oxygen that are vital to soft tissue in your body. In addition, the blood carries away toxins and waste cleaning the area and healing it faster. Without a good supply of blood, your hip simply won't heal properly.
In order to get maximum blood flow to your hip, you need to help your body stimulate blood flow. A TShellz Wrap® is the fast, easy and pain-free way to increase blood flow. It is a key part of a home conservative treatment plan.
Both during and after the treatment, soft tissue in the treatment area will experience increased blood flow even though your body is at rest.
Using the TShellz Wrap is truly a unique experience. Within moments of applying an TShellz Wrap to your shoulder, you can feel the healing sensation due to the increase in blood flow deep within the area. During a treatment, and for quite some time after you finish, the treated area will feel gently warmed and more relaxed. It's a very soothing sensation and extremely effective.
Increased Blood Circulation Maximizes the Bodys Healing Rate of Soft Tissue
With a TShellz Wrap® application, injured soft tissue is constantly being fed with healing, nutritious, oxygen and energy filled blood. This is exactly the fuel that soft tissue needs to heal.
How A TShellz Wrap® Works
A Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® is purely a Circulatory Boost workhorse! It is why we made them. They have been specifically designed for boosting blood flow, reducing inflammation and relieving pain from damaged soft tissue in the back or hip.
TShellz Wraps® contain an Energy Pad which is very pliable and will conform pretty much anywhere around the back, hip, abdomen, groin or thigh. The Energy Pad emits a uniform wave of energy over the entire treatment area. This energy travels into soft tissue, stimulating blood flow that your body requires to help heal your injury. Blood flow is crucial to the healing process.
Increased Blood Flow = More Oxygen, More Nutrients and Less Toxins = Faster Healing
The unit plugs into a wall outlet to get its power. It has a special signal controller which can be set for 3 different power levels of application (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). The cord is long enough that you can sit or lie comfortably and watch TV, read or surf the net while you're using it.
TShellz Wraps® - The Secret to Accelerated Blood Flow
The TShellz Wraps significantly increase bloodflow in your hip - period.
With regular use of the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap:
- Your pain will be reduced.
- Due to increased blood flow, soft tissue in the area will recover at an accelerated rate.
- Due to increased warmth in soft tissue, the corresponding joint will have a larger range of motion and increased extensibility of collagen tissue. This should translate into a reduced rate of re-injury occurrance as soft tissue becomes more flexible.
(Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition.
( link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)
Attach the TShellz Wrap® around your hip, plug it in and let the Energy Pad do the work!
Why is our TShellz Wrap® a Plug-In Unit and not Battery Powered?
We field a lot of calls from our customers that want to know why our TShellz Wraps® don't come with a battery powered option. The simple answer is that our TShellz Wraps® use a lot of power. We tried looking at batteries, but we found that a high capacity (and high cost) lithium-ion battery would last barely long enough for an adequate treatment time - and then it would need to be recharged. The amount of power that our wrap uses over such a short span of time should really drive home the fact that our TShellz Wraps® are real, industrial strength treatment devices; currently, for us to provide a battery option for our wraps we would have to reduce the level of output (ie. treatment power) emitted from the wrap. The lower the energy output, the less effective the device will be which is why our TShellz Wrap units are plug-in units only.

When treating your injury with hot and cold treatments there are a couple of points to consider. Take breaks between ice pack treatments to ensure you do not freeze your skin - this rarely happens but it is important to look out for. To heal fast we need the right temperature at the right time. Combined treatments using ice packs to minimize swelling (at onset of injury or during flare ups), TShellz Wrap® applications and a exercise/stretching routine (assigned by your PT) will give you the greatest chance for a complete recovery.
Use the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap to Deal with Scar Tissue & Reduce Re-Injury Risk!
Do you have a hip flexor tendon or muscle tear, a sprained hip, trochanteric bursitis, frozen hip joint, tendinitis, or any other hip injury that's painful, sore and always seems to get re-injured? This could be a sign that you have a lot of scar tissue in your hip. The growth of scar tissue is ultimately what causes stiffening in the hip joint, restricting movement and flexibility.
During the healing process your body will fill in tears in your tendons, muscles or ligaments with dense, brittle tissue called "scar tissue". The human body will use scar tissue as a temporary solution and will try to build the scar tissue as fast as possible to heal a strain or tear in your soft tissue.
Scar tissue is one of the MAIN reasons why your hip injury just hasn't healed. Even when the inflammation is gone, scar tissue will still be there to wreak havoc on your hip movement and range of motion. On-going issues with scar tissue can even result in a tendon tear, a rupture, muscle atrophy or some other chronic injury.
Scar tissue will form fast to deal with a strain or tear to one of your tendons, muscles or ligaments in your hip. Working fast does not mean that the job's done right - when scar tissue forms it doesn't come together as neatly as regular (healthy) tissue would. Scar tissue fibers will lay down over top of your tear in a cluttered, messy and jumbled up way.
This is how scar tissue works. The scar tissue that forms to fix your tear will be unorganized and won't line up properly with the healthy tissue surrounding the injury site. This scar tissue will also attach to everything in the area, including surrounding healthy tissue. This can result in a long-term fusing together of the soft tissue in your hip that stiffens your joint, reducing mobility and making movement very painful!
Scar tissue is a major problem especially when it shows up in a MAJOR joint such as the hip! This can cause your injury to take months or even YEARS to completely heal!
Time is the only way for injured soft tissue to heal completely, but with Circulatory Boost you can boost your body's soft tissue healing process, soften scar tissue and reduce your risk of re-injury.
You can reduce scar tissue growth and inhibit further injury to your hip by generating heat & increasing blood flow to that area. We feel that treating yourself with a Back/Hip TShellz Wrap is the easiest and most effective way to help improve Range of Motion, reduce pain in the area, reduce risk of worsening the injury while helping minimize the growth of stubborn scar tissue.
The heat effect from the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap will help relax and lengthen your soft tissue to help improve your range of motion and prevent atrophy (wasting away) of your surrounding tissue. This is why we recommend a TShellz Wrap® treatment before undergoing periods where there will significant exertion in the injury area. (ie. before going to work, shopping, etc.)
Overall, continued treatment with the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap is intended to relax and lengthen soft tissue; this helps improve range of motion while combatting atrophy of tendons and ligaments in the area. The TShellz Wrap is intended to reduce the chance of degenerative conditions by maximizing blood flow where it's needed most, preventing further damage, and dealing with scar tissue.
When to use a Cold Compress or Ice Pack:
- 24 to 72 hours after your initial injury or when you first notice pain and swelling to stop tissue damage, relieve pain, and decrease swelling.
- After exercise, workouts or activity of any kind to prevent re-injury.
- Before and after surgery during rehabilitation to control pre and post-surgery pain and swelling.
- Anytime you feel your hip has been over-extended, over-worked, twisted, strained or sprained causing pain and swelling.
- Anytime you have swelling, sharp throbbing pain or inflammation.
- Any other situation where you need to draw the pain and inflammation out of your lower back or hip.
When to use a Back/Hip TShellz Wrap:
- When the swelling is down (usually after applying cold compression to the injury over 24 to 48 hr period).
- BEFORE getting out of bed in the morning. BEFORE going to bed at night.
- BEFORE exercise, workouts or activity of any kind to increase elasticity of ligaments,muscles & tendons and decrease chance of re-injury.
- AFTER surgery (once the skin wound has healed over) to increase blood flow in the area and minimize scar tissue growth at the surgery location.
- Anytime BEFORE you feel you might undertake activity that will put significant strain on the injury area.
New Technology For The Best Options Available!
TShellz Wraps® are what we believe to be the most highly effective home medical devices out there - helping boost blood circulation, increase elasticity of soft tissue, reduce inflammation and minimize pain. It is a product we have developed specifically for this purpose. You can be certain it will do this, as we give full refunds if this is not the case.
The Energy Pad stimulates all the tissue beneath it evenly. The parts of your body that are healthy will rapidly respond with increased blood flow and there will be little sensation in that area.
As your body continues to recover you'll also notice a decrease in pain and the range of motion in your hip will improve. So not only do you heal, but with every treatment you can feel the difference - you can tell your injury is getting better.
TShellz Wraps®: Comfortable, Effective and Easy To Use
- TShellz Wraps® are very comfortable to wear. The shell is soft and very flexible. The edges are soft and will not irritate your skin.
- The Energy Pad within is also flexible like cloth so the entire unit conforms to your body.
- TShellz Wraps® are cut and sewn specifically to fit each part of the body so they fit comfortably. They come with velcro closures and are very easy to put on and take off.
- It is so easy to plug and un-plug you can stop and start your treatments with ease. This wrap is comfortable enough to wear all day long.
- The TShellz Wrap® is not affected by clothing. Wear it over or under - it is up to you.
TShellz Wraps® - Premium Quality, and 100% Guaranteed!
Like all our products, TShellz Wraps® are high quality wraps you will find nowhere else. We have them for every part of the body. And, of course, we guarantee our wraps with the MendMeShop 60 day, money back guarantee. If you have purchased our product(s) and used them as directed and are not satisfied with the outcome; you can send it back for a full product refund. We also provide a full year warranty on our TShellz Wrap® devices.
So, if you're really looking for an effective home treatment to treat soft tissue hip pain; if you're looking to reduce inflammation, treat scar tissue, boost blood circulation and strengthen soft tissue in your hip , the the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® is what we recommend. We feel it is an exceptional home based approach to maximizing your hip soft tissue injury recovery process.
MendMyHip is committed to bringing you quality products for helping you relieve pain and boost blood flow to maximize your home recovery. These products are quickly revolutionizing the way the therapeutic industry thinks about soft tissue treatments and come highly recommended by our customers. If you have injured soft tissue in your hip that you want to heal quickly, harness the power of your own body to heal itself and use a TShellz Wrap® to boost blood flow to soft tissue in your hip. This brings more nutrients and oxygen to the injured soft tissue, accelerating the body's own healing bio-mechanism.
Increased Blood Circulation = Increased Healing Capability
TShellz Wraps® contain a unique Carbon Fiber Energy Pad which is flexible and will shape to conform to your body. This Energy Pad emits a uniform wave of perfectly safe energy over its entire surface. This energy is absorbed by soft tissue in the treatment area, opening blood vessels, resulting in an increase in blood flow. Increased blood circulation is what your body needs to maximize its cabability of healing soft tissue and this is why we recommend the TShellz Wrap®.
The Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® is an FDA Registered Medical Device and is suitable for use in therapeutic clinics and FROM HOME. It is completely safe for people and patients to use for themselves.
The technology found in a TShellz Wrap® has been used for decades in the worlds of professional and amateur sports - a contributing factor as to why athletes seem to recover from injuries so quickly.
Have you ever wondered by an athlete can return to activity after 4 or 5 weeks following a hip injury - while your average person takes much longer to return back to normal? The secret isn't really that much of a secret - it involves consistent treatments (meaning multiple times a day) using a treatment like the TShellz Wrap® to stimulate blood flow to the injured tissues. Most athletes have the luxury of using in-house facilities many times per day.
How many us can afford the time and money to visit a clinic multiple times a day? Very few indeed. This is how you can gain some of the advantages that athletes enjoy in their injury recovery - by using a device like the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® two or three times a day on a consistent basis.
Consistent Treatments = Consistent And Long Term Improvement
What Else Makes the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® So Special?
We believe the TShellz Wrap® to be one of the most effective home treatments to increase localized blood flow to soft tissue in and around the treatment area.
We can promise that you will receive a product that is designed to be safe and does what it is supposed to do... reduce pain (as stated in "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin) temporarily increase length & flexibility of soft tissue (as stated in "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition. - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin) and aid your body in recovering from tendon, muscle and other soft tissue injuries via enhanced blood flow.
The unit plugs into a standard wall outlet to get its power. The nice thing about the power supply is that the same unit can be used in North America and overseas as well. It has the capability to operate between 110v and 230v.
The TShellz Wrap® has a special signal controller that can be set for 3 different power levels of application (3=High, 2=Medium, 1=Low). The cord is long enough that you can sit or lie comfortably and watch TV, read or surf the net while you're using it.
Treatments are max 30 minutes in duration and the device can be worn over clothing. This allows you to use the device at work, at home, or really anywhere you have access to an electrical outlet. Conservative Treatment Tools Our Clients Have Used to Help Limit Damage & Boost The Body's Soft Tissue Repair Process to the Hip at Home:
- A Cold Compress or Ice Pack to reduce inflammation wherever there is pain and/or swelling (as soon as possible).
- A Back/Hip TShellz Wrap® to increase blood-flow to the treatment area (a Localized Enhanced Circulatory Response® Treatment).
- MendMeShop Arnica Pain Cream for temporary relief of pain due to sore muscles and joints.
- A High Quality Back Pillow and/or Knee Pillow for comfort while sleeping or sitting
- An Exercise & Stretching Plan to prevent muscle atrophy and shortened tendons in the Hip joint. A proper plan will increase elasticity and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the hip, knee, and ankle.
Conservative treatment tools just like these have been used successfully by thousands of hip injury sufferers - just like you.
TShellz Wrap® = Enhanced Blood Flow in the Treatment Area
We believe the use of TShellz Wraps® for boosting blood flow to soft tissue in the area of application is one of the most under-utilized home treatment options available on the market today. We have client after client that have tried many options out there and have been amazed at how effective and fast the TShellz Wrap treatment can relieve pain and increase blood flow in the hip.
With regular use of the Back/Hip TShellz Wrap:
- Your pain due to soft tissue strain will be reduced*.
- Due to increased blood flow, soft tissue in the treatment area on the hip will be expected to recover at an accelerated rate. Increased extensibility of soft tissue due to the heat application will also help reduce the risk of worsening the injury while mobile*.
- Tissue in the treated area should experience a larger range of motion and increased extensibility of collagen tissue* due to the heat effect on soft tissue. This should translate into a reduced rate of re-injury occurrence as soft tissue is known to lengthen and become more flexible when exposed to warm temperature. (*Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition.
( link - Ed. Justus F. Lehmann, M.D., Williams, and Wilkin)
Recovery from Hip Replacement Surgery (or any other hip surgery)
For Post-Surgery Recovery, cold is recommended by doctors to treat your pain in a natural, non-addictive way and to reduce swelling.
After the incision site has healed and initial inflammation has reduced, use our TShellz Wraps to stimulate blood flow in the area. Using the
TShellz Wrap as soon as pain & swelling has reduced following your surgery will help minimize scar tissue growth in the hip that forms as you heal. Treating scar tissue is arguably the most important step following surgery, especially in a joint as scar tissue growth will impact range of motion in the joint.
Leaving post-surgery scar tissue untreated can lead to stiffness, chronic pain, osteoarthritis or other chronic conditions. You're more likely to end up with another injury if you choose not to actively treat the scar tissue that develops in your hip - this is why pretty much all post surgery recoveries involve physical therapy.
Circulatory Boost encourages more oxygen and nutrients to flow to the area to help your body in its recovery process. An increase in blood flow should also help improve the strength of soft tissue in the area.
Our Hip Formula is Proven to Work!
We are very confident our T•Shellz home treatment products will assist you in recovering from your injury by reducing your swelling and inflammation induced pain, maximizing blood flow where it's needed most and increasing the flexibility / range of motion of your hip with consistent stretching.
Here at MendMyHip we pride ourselves in helping you with your healing and recovery process. Everyone at MendMyHip has tested and used the products, finding solutions to conditions that do not fit into the norm. This dedication to our customers and our products goes hand-in-hand with our guarantees to you as a customer:
- Guarantee #1 - Use your products diligently for up to 60 days and you will experience a significant reduction in pain. If not, I encourage you to send back the items for a 100% refund.
- Guarantee #2 - You will not be left in the dark after purchasing any product from us. MendMyHip Advisers and Product Specialists are available 5 days a week by toll free phone 1-866-237-9608 or email to answer your questions or concerns.
- Guarantee #3 - Your order is guaranteed to be shipped within 24 hours on every business day.
- Guarantee #4 - All purchases receive a one year, full replacement warranty with guaranteed, prompt service.
- Guarantee #5 - You could easily save hundreds of dollars and probably much more, by utilizing our products and getting back to work sooner.
Yes, they are that good. See for yourself.
TShellz Wraps® are FDA Registered Medical Devices, and are suitable for use in therapeutic clinics. Since they are completely safe for patients to use themselves as instructed, they are now available for use at home.
Once treatment is complete, you also have the option of tightening the straps to provide light compression support for your injured joint. You can also unplug the device from the power supply enabling you to move around the home, office or clinic freely and still use the wrap for support and comfort.
A TShellz Wrap® application is intended to produce the following results:
Enhance blood circulation and increase the levels of oxygen within your blood.
This, in turn, improves function of the immune system which increases the body's ability to eliminate toxins and other waste by-products resulting from damaged tissue within the hip. This allows the hip to more easily stimulate the self healing process.
Stimulates the production of collagen, which is a building block for human tissue.
Many hip injuries are the result of trauma to a tendon or muscle, usually causing the tissue to tear. As a result of the tear, your body triggers a natural healing process resulting in pain, inflammation, and the creation of scar tissue, then eventually reinforcing that band-aid solution with flexible tissue (proliferation). Increased blood flow will make this process more quick and efficient in the majority of cases.
It is generally accepted that heat will enhance both the flexibility and the extensibility of soft tissue.
This is an important point. Many people with hip conditions often re-injure their hip due to the fact the damaged muscle or soft tissue is tight and the range of motion of the hip is restricted. Even the most minor of activities can cause a recovering hip to strain, sprain, or even tear. Every time this happens, your recovery is delayed. This is why using the TShellz Wrap® not only now, but also into the future, is wise. The TShellz Wrap® warms tissue, and thereby increases it's elasticity...all without risk of causing further harm and greatly reducing your chances of re-injury.
It is also intended to provide relief to some who are dealing with nerve related issues.
TShellz Wraps® applied to muscles and soft tissue that surround the nerves should help them become more loose, as heat is known to increase the flexibility and extensibility of soft tissue. You may find this will alleviate tightness which may have led to nerve compression and the subsequent pain it produces.
Intended to reduce stiffness in joints.
Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage and meniscii degenerate. Over time, bone starts to rub against bone in the hip with little or no protection from cartilage. This leads to substantial pain in the joint. The space within the joint starts to decrease without the cushioning and stiffness in the lower back and hip becomes a problem. The TShellz Wrap® is intended to: - generate warmth - this results in greater elasticity and extensibility of soft tissue [Chapter 9 of "Therapeutic Heat and Cold", 4th edition.
( link)]. Longer and more elastic soft tissue translate to less stiffness and an increase in range-of-motion. - increase blood flow in the treatment area. Blood flow as you likely know, is the mechanism that the body uses to heal soft tissue. Enhanced blood flow allows the body to maximize its soft tissue healing capability.
Contributes to your overall well-being.
Increased blood flow should result in a stronger immune system and an ability for your body to recover from soft tissue injuries more quickly.
Believe me when I say this; words alone cannot accurately describe what the TShellz Wrap® can do for you. It truly is something you need to experience first-hand.

Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday.
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During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. Always consult your doctor and/or Physical Therapist before using any of our outstanding products, to make sure they are right for you and your condition. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!